Impaired off-line memory consolidation in depression

Autor: Axel Steiger, Michael Kluge, Lisa Genzel, Martin Dresler, Petra Schüssler
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: European Neuropsychopharmacology. 20:553-561
ISSN: 0924-977X
Popis: Sleep is critically involved in the consolidation of procedural memory. In major depression (MD) and during antidepressant pharmacotherapy, changes in sleep EEG are well documented. Here, we test if off-line motor memory consolidation is impaired in MD. 50 medicated patients with an acute episode of MD, 50 normal controls and 12 patients with a remitted episode of MD were assessed using a sequential finger tapping task before and after a night of sleep. Although depressed patients and control subjects did not differ in practice-dependent learning, healthy subjects showed markedly overnight improvements in tapping performance of 18% while patients failed to show any improvement. This pattern became even more striking when the subjects were divided by an age threshold of 30years: In the 30+yrs group the healthy subjects showed 16% overnight increase in motor performance, whereas the patients showed -10% overnight decrease. In contrast, patients and controls in the
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