The EXPURT model for calculating external gamma doses from deposited material in inhabited areas

Autor: L.N. Singer, J. Brown, J.A. Jones
Rok vydání: 2003
Zdroj: Journal of environmental radioactivity. 85(2-3)
ISSN: 0265-931X
Popis: EXPURT, NRPB's model for calculating external γ doses in inhabited areas, was originally developed in the mid-1980s. Deposition on surfaces in the area, the subsequent transfer of material between different surfaces or its removal from the system, and dose rates in various locations from material on the different surfaces are modelled. The model has been updated to take account of more recent experimental data on the transfer rates between surfaces and to make it more flexible for use in assessing dose rates following an accidental release. EXPURT is a compartmental model and models the transfer of material between the surfaces using a set of first order differential equations. It enables the impact of the decontamination of surfaces on doses and dose rates to be explored. The paper describes the EXPURT model and presents some preliminary results obtained using it.
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