Prognosis of the neurological complications of acute hypernatraemia

Autor: R.C. Evans, P.H. Morris-Jones, I.B. Houston
Rok vydání: 1967
Zdroj: Lancet (London, England). 2(7531)
ISSN: 0140-6736
Popis: 18 (36%) of a series of 50 cases of acute hypernatraemia had a neurological syndrome which included convulsions, muscular hypertonicity, and depression of consciousness. This syndrome was commoner with higher levels of either serum-sodium or blood-urea, but the data suggest that serum osmolality may be the most significant factor. The initial mortalityrate was 20%. Of the 40 survivors, 32 could be examined: 12 (37%) of these had abnormalities on neurological examination, intelligence testing, or electroencephalography; in several, however, the abnormalities were probably unrelated to the earlier hypernatraemia, and only 3 out of 32 (9%) had both related and symptomatically important lesions. This suggests that, in some instances, convulsions were caused by transient cerebral oedema rather than by infarction or haemorrhage, and may therefore be preventable by improvement of the regimen of rehydration.
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