Performance Analysis of a Solar DHW System with Adsorption Module Operating in Different World Locations

Autor: Adélio Rodrigues Gaspar, G.J.V.N. Brites, José J. Costa, Marco S. Fernandes, Vítor A. F. Costa
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Applied Sciences
Volume 9
Issue 24
ISSN: 2076-3417
DOI: 10.3390/app9245480
Popis: A numerical study was conducted on the performance of a solar domestic hot water storage system with an adsorption module operating in seven different world locations. The base system was optimized for Portuguese conditions and, without changing the system itself and the water consumption profile, its performance was investigated by altering local installation and operating conditions and solar collector inclination angles. The overall dynamical model of the system was used for numerical simulations. The improved performance of the system was assessed by the reduction achieved on the annual energy consumption of a backup water heater when compared with a similar conventional energy storage system (without an adsorption module). The results showed that the best performances were obtained in locations where winter and summer are clearly defined, especially locations where winters are colder, and with solar collectors&rsquo
inclination angles larger than the local latitude, except for locations with low latitudes, where solar collectors&rsquo
inclination angles are not so relevant to the system performance. It was also discussed how the performance results must be carefully analyzed, as for low-latitude locations the absolute savings are in fact smaller even if their relative values are of the same order or even higher than for higher-latitude locations.
Databáze: OpenAIRE