Spin Relaxation Benchmarks and Individual Qubit Addressability for Holes in Quantum Dots

Autor: Maximilian Russ, Amir Sammak, L. Petit, Menno Veldhorst, W. I. L. Lawrie, N.W. Hendrickx, Giordano Scappucci, F. van Riggelen
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Nano Letters
Nano Letters: a journal dedicated to nanoscience and nanotechnology, 20(10)
ISSN: 1530-6992
Popis: We investigate hole spin relaxation in the single- and multi-hole regime in a 2x2 germanium quantum dot array. We use radiofrequency (rf) charge sensing and observe Pauli Spin-Blockade (PSB) for every second interdot transition up to the (1,5)-(0,6) anticrossing, consistent with a standard Fock-Darwin spectrum. We find spin relaxation times $T_1$ as high as 32 ms for a quantum dot with single-hole occupation and 1.2 ms for a quantum dot occupied by five-holes, setting benchmarks for spin relaxation times for hole quantum dots. Furthermore, we investigate the qubit addressability and sensitivity to electric fields by measuring the resonance frequency dependence of each qubit on gate voltages. We are able to tune the resonance frequency over a large range for both the single and multi-hole qubit. Simultaneously, we find that the resonance frequencies are only weakly dependent on neighbouring gates, and in particular the five-hole qubit resonance frequency is more than twenty times as sensitive to its corresponding plunger gate. The excellent individual qubit tunability and long spin relaxation times make holes in germanium promising for addressable and high-fidelity spin qubits in dense two-dimensional quantum dot arrays for large-scale quantum information.
Comment: 7 Pages (6 Main + 1 Supplementary Information) 5 Figures (4 Main, 1 Supplementary Information)
Databáze: OpenAIRE