Reading improvement in English- and Hebrew-speaking children with reading difficulties after reading acceleration training

Autor: Nicole Cicchino, Zvia Breznitz, Merav Amiel, Scott K. Holland, Tzipi Horowitz-Kraus
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Annals of Dyslexia. 64:183-201
ISSN: 1934-7243
Popis: A reading acceleration program known to improve reading fluency in Hebrew-speaking adults was tested for its effect on children. Eighty-nine Hebrew- and English-speaking children with reading difficulties were divided into a waiting list group and two training groups (Hebrew and English) and underwent 4 weeks of reading acceleration training. Results of pre- and post-testing of reading abilities point to a significant main effect of the test, demonstrating improvements in silent contextual reading speed, reading comprehension, and speed of processing in both Hebrew and English training groups as compared to their performance before the intervention. This study indicates that the Reading Acceleration Program might be an effective program for improving reading abilities in children, independent of language.
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