Science readiness of the Gemini MCAO system: GeMS

Autor: Fabian Collao, Claudio Araya, Cristian Urrutia, Benoit Neichel, Gaston Gausachs, Peter Pessev, Herman Diaz, Matthieu Bec, Chadwick A. Trujillo, Cristian Moreno, Gelys Trancho, Claudio Marchant, Andrew Serio, Eleazar R. Carrasco, Vincent Fesquet, Maxime Boccas, William Rambold, Gustavo Arriagada, Sarah J. Diggs, Ariel Lopez, Michelle L. Edwards, Javier Luhrs, FranÒ«ois Rigaut, Celine d'Orgeville, Ramon Galvez, Tomislav Vucina, Vanessa Montes
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: SPIE Proceedings.
ISSN: 0277-786X
DOI: 10.1117/12.925915
Popis: The Gemini Multi-Conjugate Adaptive Optics System (GeMS} began its on-sky commissioning in January 20ll. The system provides high order wide-field corrections using a constellation of five Laser Guide Stars. In December 20ll, commissioning culminated in images with a FWHM of 80±2mas at 1.65 microns (H band} over an 87 x 87 arcsccond field of view. The first images have already demonstrated the scientific potential of GeMS, and after more than a year of commissioning GeMS is finally close to completion and ready for science. This paper presents a general status of the GeMS project and summarizes the achievements made during more than a year of commissioning. The characterization of GeMS performance is presented in a companion paper: "GeMS on-sky results" , R.igaut ct al. Here we report on the sub-systems' performance, discuss current limitations and present proposed upgrades. The integration of GeMS into the observatory operational scheme is detailed. Finally, we present the plans for next year's operations with GeMS.
Databáze: OpenAIRE