Analysis of the association of NPHS2 and ACTN4 genes polymorphism with nephrotic syndrome in Egyptian children

Autor: Mohammed F. al-azzawy, Mohammad Al-Haggar, Afaf M. ElSaid, Omali Y. El-khawaga
Rok vydání: 2023
Popis: Background One of the most common kidney illnesses in developing countries is pediatric nephrotic syndrome (PNS), which is frequently associated with dyslipidemia and edema. The rapid discovery of genes related to NS has aided in the understanding of the molecular mechanics of glomerular filtration. The goal of this study is to determine the relationship between NPHS2 and ACTN4 in PNS youngsters. Methods A study with 100 NS children and 100 healthy matched volunteers was conducted. Genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral blood. Single-nucleotide polymorphisms were genotyped using ARMS-PCR. Results A substantial decline in the level of albumin was found in NS cases (P P P P = 0.246). Association of AG haplotype NPHS2 rs3829795–rs2274625 haplotypes found a significant association with the risk of developing NS (P = 0.008). Concerning the ACTN4 rs121908415 SNP, there was no link between this mutation and NS children. Conclusion The correlation of AG haplotype NPHS2 rs3829795–rs2274625 haplotypes identified a strong association with the likelihood of getting NS, according to our findings. There was no connection found between the ACTN4 rs121908415 SNP and NS children.
Databáze: OpenAIRE