In Vitro Effects of Sporobacterin Probiotic on the Function of Donor Granulocyte-Macrophage Cells

Autor: N. I. Gabrielyan, V. S. Suskova, N. L. Vologodskaya, S. I. Suskov
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 153:697-699
ISSN: 1573-8221
Popis: The effects of sporobacterin probiotic (Bakoren Company) on oxidative activity of donor granulocyte-macrophage cells (GMC) were studied in vitro by luminol-dependent chemiluminescent method, and the effects of the probiotic on the production of pro- and anti-infl ammatory cytokines were evaluated by ELISA. The probiotic dose-dependently stimulated spontaneous production of free radicals by GMC; combined treatment with immunomodulators likopid, polyoxydonium, and IFN-α2a produced a more potent effect. Sporobacterin stimulated the production of pro- and anti-infl ammatory cytokines in cell cultures. These data confi rmed the immunomodulatory effect of sporobacterin, an important component in the phagocytic system cells.
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