Vulnerability or Resilience to Intergenerational Sexual Abuse: The Role of Maternal Factors

Autor: Myra, Leifer, Teresa, Kilbane, Sarah, Kallick, Sarah, Kalick
Rok vydání: 2004
Zdroj: Child Maltreatment. 9:78-91
ISSN: 1552-6119
DOI: 10.1177/1077559503261181
Popis: This study examined vulnerability or resilience to intergenerational sexual abuse. The sample included 196 African American mothers and their children of which 96 were sexually abused and 100 had no reported incidents of abuse. Four groups were formed based on maternal report of a history of childhood sexual abuse and the child’s abuse status: (a) sexually abused mothers of children who were not sexually abused, (b) sexually abused mothers whose child was sexually abused, (c) mothers with no history of sexual abuse whose children had no history of sexual abuse, and (d) mothers with no history of sexual abuse who had a sexually abused child. The findings indicate that mothers who break the cycle of abuse were functioning as well as the nonsexually abused mothers in the study. Furthermore, sexually abused mothers with abused children evidenced significantly more disturbed functioning than the other three groups of mothers, particularly in their attachment relationships.
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