Improving Diabetes Management and Cardiovascular Risk Factors Through Peer-Led Self-management Support Groups in Western Kenya

Autor: Jemima H. Kamano, Lawrence Misoi, Jack S. Nyabundi, Sonak D. Pastakia, Charity Wambui, Sabina Atieno, Paul H. Park, Gerald S. Bloomfield, Joseph R. Egger
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Diabetes Care
ISSN: 1935-5548
Popis: In sub-Saharan Africa, projections anticipate a 110% rise in the number of people with diabetes mellitus (DM) from 19.8 million to 41.5 million by 2035 (1). This growth is attributed primarily to the multiple downstream ramifications of urbanization and westernization. Poor access to medications, finances, transportation, and skilled health care providers trained in DM management is a barrier that contributes to poor outcomes for patients with DM (2). As a result, patients are often forced to rely on self-management without guidance from the formal health care sector. To combat this barrier, diabetes self-management support (DSMS) programs sustain psychosocial support and education by incorporating lay DM patients as peer support group leaders at the community level (3,4). Limited data exist for DSMS outcomes in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). The imminent rise of DM and the logistical challenges of health delivery in …
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