Social Validity of a Kindergarten-Readiness Behavoural Intervention for Children with Autism

Autor: Cochrane, Karis, Cressman, Carly, Martin, Toby L.
Rok vydání: 2020
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5032968
Popis: Social validity assessments measure consumersatisfaction with the goals, procedures, and outcomesof a program. This study aimed to measure the socialvalidity of a modified early intensive behaviouralintervention (EIBI) for 5-year-old children with a formal autism spectrum disorder diagnosis. Weevaluated a pilot program developed by St.Amantcalled the Pre-Kindergarten Program (PKP). Eightpopulations were surveyed using six uniquequestionnaires to measure indirect consumers',immediate community members', and extendedcommunity members' satisfaction with the goals,procedures, and outcomes of the PKP. Questionnaireswere distributed via email and mail containing a webbrowserlink and/or a paper questionnaire. A total of82 responses across all populations were analyzed forwithin-group and between-group differences usingdescriptive statistics and Pearson correlations to makerecommendations for how Pre-Kindergarten EIBIprograms can most effectively meet consumer needs. The PKP had good social validity overall. Waitlistfamilies and families being served were the mostsatisfied overall; clinicians outside the program werethe least satisfied group. Lack of parental involvementand limited service hours were recurring concerns mentioned among various populations in open-endedquestions. Further research is required todetermine the social validity of other EIBI programsand the factors that relate to social validity.
Databáze: OpenAIRE