Failure to transmit infectious hepatitis to chimpanzees

Autor: Robert Ward, W. P. Havens
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine (New York, N.Y.). 60
ISSN: 0037-9727
Popis: Summary1. Two adult and 4 young chimpanzees were given material known to contain the etiologic agent of infectious hepatitis. Five of the animals remained healthy and showed no evidence of impairment of certain tests of liver function. One animal which was sick before beginning the experiment, died of a severe parasitic infestation 65 days after inoculation. The liver was normal grossly and histologically. Another animal died accidentally at the end of the period of observation and the liver was also normal. 2. Data are presented on serial determinations of certain tests of liver function in the chimpanzee. Quantitative determinations of serum bilirubin and per cent of bromsulfalein dye retention were of a lower order than similar determinations in normal humans. The cephalin flocculation was consistently positive in one apparently healthy adult animal and in one young chimpanzee with an overwhelming parasitic infestation. Three young healthy animals had consistently negative cephalin flocculation tests.
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