Longitudinal double-spin asymmetries in semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering of electrons and positrons by protons and deuterons

Autor: Airapetian, A., Akopov, N., Bryzgalov, V., Capitani, G. P., Cisbani, E., Ciullo, G., Contalbrigo, M., Dalpiaz, P. F., Deconinck, W., De Leo, R., De Nardo, L., De Sanctis, E., Akopov, Z., Diefenthaler, M., Di Nezza, P., Düren, M., Elbakian, G., Ellinghaus, F., Fantoni, A., Felawka, L., Frullani, S., Gavrilov, G., Gharibyan, V., Aschenauer, E. C., Giordano, F., Gliske, S., Hasch, D., Holler, Y., Ivanilov, A., Jackson, H. E., Joosten, S., Kaiser, R., Karyan, G., Keri, T., Augustyniak, W., Kinney, E., Kisselev, A., Korotkov, V., Kozlov, V., Kravchenko, P., Krivokhijine, V. G., Lagamba, L., Lapikás, L., Lehmann, I., Lorenzon, W., Avakian, R., Ma, B.-Q., Mahon, D., Manaenkov, S. I., Mao, Y., Marianski, B., Marukyan, H., Miyachi, Y., Movsisyan, A., Muccifora, V., Mussgiller, A., Avetissian, A., Naryshkin, Y., Nass, A., Nazaryan, G., Nowak, W.-D., Pappalardo, L. L., Perez-Benito, R., Petrosyan, Anush, Reimer, P. E., Reolon, A. R., Riedl, C., Belostotski, S., Rith, K., Rosner, G., Rostomyan, A., Rubin, J., Ryckbosch, D., Salomatin, Y., Schnell, G., Seitz, B., Shibata, T.-A., Statera, M., Blok, H. P., Steffens, E., Steijger, J. J. M., Taroian, S., Terkulov, A., Truty, R., Trzcinski, A., Tytgat, M., van der Nat, P. B., Van Haarlem, Y., Van Hulse, C., Borissov, A., Veretennikov, D., Vikhrov, V., Vilardi, I., Vogel, Christian, Wang, S., Yaschenko, S., Zihlmann, B., Zupranski, P., HERMES Collaboration
Přispěvatelé: Student Lab and Education
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2019
charged-lepton interactions with hadrons
Particle interactions
Nuclear Theory
FOS: Physical sciences
Strong interaction
Polarization in interactions &
01 natural sciences
7. Clean energy
High Energy Physics - Experiment
Nuclear physics
High Energy Physics - Experiment (hep-ex)
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology (hep-ph)
Strong interaction
Particle interactions
Deep inelastic scattering
Photon & charged-lepton interactions with hadrons
Polarization in interactions & scattering
Quantum chromodynamics

0103 physical sciences
SDG 7 - Affordable and Clean Energy
010306 general physics
Nuclear Experiment
010308 nuclear & particles physics
polarized quark distributions
Deep inelastic scattering
Photon &
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
Physics and Astronomy
helicity distributions
High Energy Physics::Experiment
Quantum chromodynamics
azimuthal dependence
Zdroj: Physical Review D, 99(11):112001. American Physical Society
Addi. Archivo Digital para la Docencia y la Investigación
(The HERMES Collaboration) 2019, ' Longitudinal double-spin asymmetries in semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering of electrons and positrons by protons and deuterons ', Physical Review D, vol. 99, no. 11, 112001 . https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevD.99.112001
Physical review / D 99(11), 112001 (2019). doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.99.112001
Physical Review
ISSN: 2470-0029
DOI: 10.3204/PUBDB-2018-03832
Popis: A comprehensive collection of results on longitudinal double-spin asymmetries is presented for charged pions and kaons produced in semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering of electrons and positrons on the proton and deuteron, based on the full HERMES data set. The dependence of the asymmetries on hadron transverse momentum and azimuthal angle extends the sensitivity to the flavor structure of the nucleon beyond the distribution functions accessible in the collinear framework. No strong dependence on those variables is observed. In addition, the hadron charge-difference asymmetry is presented, which under certain model assumptions provides access to the helicity distributions of valence quarks. We gratefully acknowledge the DESY management for its support, the staff at DESY and the collaborating institutions for their significant effort. This work was supported by the State Committee of Science of the Republic of Armenia, Grant No. 18T-1C180; the FWO-Flanders and IWT, Belgium; the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada; the National Natural Science Foundation of China; the Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung, the German Bundesministerium fur Bildung und Forschung (BMBF), and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG); the Italian Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); the MEXT, JSPS, and G-COE of Japan; the Dutch Foundation for Fundamenteel Onderzoek der Materie (FOM); the Russian Academy of Science and the Russian Federal Agency for Science and Innovations; the Basque Foundation for Science (IKERBASQUE), the Basque Government, Grant No. IT956-16, and MINECO (Juan de la Cierva), Spain; the U.K. Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, the Science and Technology Facilities Council, and the Scottish Universities Physics Alliance; as well as the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the National Science Foundation (NSF).
Databáze: OpenAIRE