Humanistic, artistic and pedagogic aspects of Orff-Schulwerk music and dance pedagogyOrff-Schulwerk müzik ve hareket eğitiminin insani, sanatsal ve pedagojik yönleri

Autor: Banu Özevin
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Journal of Human Sciences; Vol 15, No 1 (2018); 8-23
Uluslararası İnsan Bilimleri Dergisi; Vol 15, No 1 (2018); 8-23
ISSN: 2458-9489
Popis: Orff-Schulwerk Music and Movement Pedagogy is a contemporary music education philosophy, born out of the work of composer Carl Orff. Orff-Schulwerk has a holistic understanding in music education which is a combination of music, movement and language. Orff-Schulwerk enables the individual to develop his creative potential in group activities based on improvisation. Orff-Schulwerk's philosophy is that everyone can make music. With this understanding, everyone can take part in the Schulwerk lesson and have the opportunity for artistic expression of self without the distinction of gifted-talented, child-adult, and normal-developmental-disabled. As in many countries of the world, Orff-Schulwerk Pedagogy is used effectively in music education and preschool education in Turkey. In this study, in spite of the fact that it is a built-in structure, the human, artistic and pedagogical aspects of Orff-Schulwerk have been elaborated separately in order to better understand the approach. In the conclusion and discussion section, questions and problems about Orff-Schulwerk Music and Movement Education's place in Turkish Education System and adaptation to Turkish culture were shared. Extended English abstract is in the end of Full Text PDF (TURKISH) file . Ozet Orff-Schulwerk Muzik ve Hareket Egitimi, besteci Carl Orff’un calismalarindan dogan, cagdas bir muzik egitimi felsefesidir. Orff-Schulwerk, muzik, hareket ve dil ogelerinin birlikte kullanildigi, dogaclamalara dayanan, grup aktiviteleri icinde bireyin yaratici potansiyelini gelistirmesine olanak saglayan butuncul bir muzik egitimi anlayisidir. Orff-Schulwerk’in felsefesi herkesin muzik yapabilecegi yonundedir. Bu anlayis sayesinde yetenekli-yeteneksiz, cocuk-yetiskin, normal gelisim gosteren-engelli ayrimi olmadan herkes Schulwerk dersi icinde yer alabilir ve kendini sanatsal olarak ifade etme olanagini yakalayabilir. Dunyanin bircok ulkesinde oldugu gibi Turkiye’de de Orff-Schulwerk Pedagojisi muzik egitimi ve okuloncesi egitiminde etkin bir bicimde kullanilmaktadir. Icice gecmis bir yapi olmasina ragmen, bu calismada yaklasimin daha iyi anlasilabilmesi icin Orff-Schulwerk’in insani, sanatsal ve pedagojik yonleri ayri ayri ayrintili olarak irdelenmistir. Sonuc ve tartisma bolumunde Orff-Schulwerk Muzik ve Hareket Egitimi’nin Turk Egitim sistemindeki yeri ve Turk kulturune uyarlanmasi ile ilgili sorular ve sorunlar paylasilmistir.
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