Low-Frequency Passivity-Based Analysis and Damping of Power-Synchronization Controlled Grid-Forming Inverter

Autor: Fangzhou Zhao, Xiongfei Wang, Tianhua Zhu
Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: Zhao, F, Wang, X & Zhu, T 2022, ' Low-Frequency Passivity-Based Analysis and Damping of Power-Synchronization Controlled Grid-Forming Inverter ', IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, pp. 1 . https://doi.org/10.1109/JESTPE.2022.3218845
ISSN: 2168-6785
Popis: This paper presents a passivity-based analysis and damping method for the low-frequency dynamics of grid-forming (GFM) control. A closed-form analytical solution to the positive realness of control input admittance is developed, which reveals the inherent non-passive property of GFM control. This feature gives rise to the risk of instability, especially in connection with a nearby non-passive GFM inverter, which may induce undesired control interactions. It is further revealed that the passivity index is determined by a low-frequency resonance around 10 Hz in the dq-frame, and this resonance can be better dampened, therefore with enhanced passivity index, by using a virtual reactance than using a virtual resistance. Finally, the theoretical findings are verified by the experimental results.
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