Polarization Between the Rich and the Poor? The Dynamics and Structure of Redistributive Preferences in a Comparative Perspective

Autor: Xavier Romero-Vidal, Steven M Van Hauwaert
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 34, 1
International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 34
ISSN: 0954-2892
Popis: Citizens’ support for redistribution varies largely between and within countries. An important empirical challenge in this field is the scarcity of comparative data, which this study overcomes by designing a novel time-series cross-sectional dataset that spans more than three decades in seven European countries. Using nearly 300 surveys and a dyadic ratios algorithm, we estimate aggregate redistributive preferences for each country, as well as for population strata within countries based on household income. We then ask to what extent support for redistribution varies across the rich and the poor. We find that citizens are not systematically becoming more reluctant toward or more supportive of redistribution. While redistributive preferences of the rich and the poor do not strictly move in parallel, there is no polarization between the two. Moreover, both the demand for redistribution and the preference gap between the rich and the poor evolve in a cyclical way.
Databáze: OpenAIRE