Additional file 2 of Replication origin location might contribute to genetic variability in Trypanosoma cruzi

Autor: Araujo, Christiane Bezerra De, Cunha, Julia Pinheiro Chagas Da, Davi Toshio Inada, Jeziel Damasceno, Lima, Alex Ranieri Jerônimo, Hiraiwa, Priscila, Marques, Catarina, Evonnildo Gonçalves, Nishiyama-Junior, Milton Yutaka, McCulloch, Richard, Elias, Maria Carolina
Rok vydání: 2020
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.12544145.v1
Popis: Additional file 2. Distribution of consensus replication origin regions located at DGF-1 genes according to their location at conserved (C- top) or disrupted (C-intermediate) T. cruzi genome domains (according to (43)). Both (B-below) represents DGF-1 containing origins that could be in either one domain. B. Examples of replication origins domains at conserved, disrupted and in between both domains. According to (43), DGF-1, RHS and GP63 (orange) may be located either at disrupted (red) or conserved (blue) compartments. The T. cruzi genome was loaded at UCSC genome browser and these 3 gene groups were colored in accordance. ORIs genome coordenates are shown in blue.
Databáze: OpenAIRE