Plastic detection comb better than visual screening for diagnosis of head louse infestation

Autor: Ian F. Burgess, M. T. Şahin, Cuneyt Balcioglu, Mehmet Emin Limoncu, Yusuf Özbel, Özgür Kurt, K. S. Larsen, Cemal Bilaç
Přispěvatelé: Ege Üniversitesi
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2008
Popis: WOS: 000260579500018
PubMed ID: 18177517
Finding lice can be difficult in head louse infestation. We compared a new louse detection comb with visual inspection. All children in two rural Turkish schools were screened by the two methods. Those with lice were offered treatment and the results monitored by detection combing Children with nits only were re-screened to identify latent infestations. Using visual inspection we found 214 461 children (46%) with nits but only 30 (6.5%) with live lice. In contrast detection combing found 96 (21%) with live lice. of whom 20 had no nits. Detection combing was 3.84 times more effective than visual inspection for finding live lice. Only 10/138 (7.2%) children with nits and no lice were Found to have active infestation by day 16. We found that the detection comb is significantly (P
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