Affective states and adaptation to parabolic flights

Autor: Jean-Philippe Hainaut, Aurélie Collado, Cécile Langlet, Tzvetomira Tzanova, Vincent Monfort, Benoît Bolmont
Přispěvatelé: Laboratoire de Conception, Optimisation et Modélisation des Systèmes (LCOMS), Université de Lorraine (UL), Laboratoire lorrain de psychologie et neurosciences de la dynamique des comportements (2LPN), Structure et Réactivité des Systèmes Moléculaires Complexes (SRSMC), Institut de Chimie du CNRS (INC)-Université de Lorraine (UL)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Acta Astronautica
Acta Astronautica, Elsevier, 2017, 134, pp.98-105. ⟨10.1016/j.actaastro.2017.01.043⟩
ISSN: 0094-5765
Popis: This exploratory study investigates (i) inter-individual variations of affective states before a parabolic flight (i.e., PF) on the basis of quality of adaptation to physical demands, and (ii) intra-individual variations of affective states during a PF. Mood-states, state-anxiety and salivary cortisol were assessed in two groups with a different quality of adaptation (an Adaptive Group, i.e., AG, and a Maladaptive Group, i.e., MG) before and during a PF. Before PF, MG scored higher on mood states (Anger-Hostility, Fatigue-Inertia) than AG. During the flight, while AG seemed to present “normal” affective responses to the demanding environment (e.g., increase in salivary cortisol), MG presented increases in mood states such as Confusion-Bewilderment or Tension-Anxiety. The findings suggest that the psychological states of MG could have disturbed their ability to integrate sensory information from an unusual environment, which led to difficulties in coping with the physical demands of PF.
Databáze: OpenAIRE