Genre Analysis of Legal Discourse

Autor: Kirsten Wølch Rasmussen, Jan Engberg
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Rasmussen, K W & Engberg, J 1999, ' Genre Analysis of Legal Discourse ', Hermes, vol. 22, pp. 113-132 .
Aarhus University
ISSN: 1903-1785
DOI: 10.7146/hjlcb.v12i22.25497
Popis: In legal discourse, there are many different kinds of texts, written aswell as oral. However, some of these texts present a number of similar-ities, and it is the study of these similarities which is the object of genreanalysis.There are many different views on the question of what the conceptof genre covers, and there are important differences as to the criteriaused for the determination of genres: text-external criteria (for examplefunction, communicative purpose) or text-internal criteria (for examplesyntactic characteristics) or both text-external and -internal criteria. Be-cause of the limited space of this paper, we will not go into this dis-cussion, but instead present an analysis carried out according to onespecific way of looking at genres, namely the model proposed byBhatia (1993).
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