Two-Color Radiation Generated in a Seeded Free-Electron Laser with Two Electron Beams

Autor: Enrica Chiadroni, M. Carpanese, M. Artioli, Massimo Ferrario, D. Di Giovenale, A. Petralia, Fabio Villa, Marco Bellaveglia, E. Di Palma, Luca Innocenti, Andrea Rossi, Maria Pia Anania, Concetta Ronsivalle, F. Ciocci, Giuseppe Dattoli, Julietta V. Rau, Riccardo Pompili, Cristina Vaccarezza, Vladimir Shpakov, Andrea Mostacci, Alberto Bacci, Luca Giannessi, Alessandro Cianchi, G. Di Pirro, Elio Sabia, Vittoria Petrillo
Přispěvatelé: Petralia A., Anania M.P., Artioli M., Bacci A., Bellaveglia M., Carpanese M., Chiadroni E., Cianchi A., Ciocci F., Dattoli G., Di Giovenale D., Di Palma E., Di Pirro G.P., Ferrario M., Giannessi L., Innocenti L., Mostacci A., Petrillo V., Pompili R., Rau J.V., Ronsivalle C., Rossi A.R., Sabia E., Shpakov V., Vaccarezza C., Villa F., Sabia, E., Ronsivalle, C., Giannessi, L., Di Palma, E., Dattoli, G., Ciocci, F., Carpanese, M., Artioli, M., Petralia, A
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Scopus-Elsevier
Physical review letters 115 (2015): 014801–014801. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.115.014801
info:cnr-pdr/source/autori:Petralia A.; Anania M.P.; Artioli M.; Bacci A.; Bellaveglia M.; Carpanese M.; Chiadroni E.; Cianchi A.; Ciocci F.; Dattoli G.; Di Giovenale D.; Di Palma E.; Di Pirro G.P.; Ferrario M.; Giannessi L.; Innocenti L.; Mostacci A.; Petrillo V.; Pompili R.; Rau J.V.; Ronsivalle C.; Rossi A.R.; Sabia E.; Shpakov V.; Vaccarezza C.; Villa F/titolo:Two-color radiation generated in a seeded Free-Electron Laser with two electron beams/doi:10.1103%2FPhysRevLett.115.014801/rivista:Physical review letters/anno:2015/pagina_da:014801/pagina_a:014801/intervallo_pagine:014801–014801/volume:115
Physical Review Letters
ISSN: 1079-7114
Popis: We present the experimental evidence of the generation of coherent and statistically stable two-color free-electron laser radiation obtained by seeding an electron beam double peaked in energy with a laser pulse single spiked in frequency. The radiation presents two neat spectral lines, with time delay, frequency separation, and relative intensity that can be accurately controlled. The analysis of the emitted radiation shows a temporal coherence and a shot-to-shot regularity in frequency significantly enhanced with respect to the self-amplified spontaneous emission. © 2015 American Physical Society. © 2015 American Physical Society.
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