A Participatory Analysis of the Control and Certification System in the Italian Organic Rice Value Chain

Autor: Patrizia Borsotto, Ilaria Borri, Alessandra Vaccaro, Elena Pagliarino, Giovanni Dara Guccione
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Sustainability, Vol 13, Iss 2001, p 2001 (2021)
Volume 13
Issue 4
Sustainability (Basel) 13 (2021). doi:10.3390/su13042001
info:cnr-pdr/source/autori:Giovanni Dara Guccione, Elena Pagliarino, Ilaria Borri, Alessandra Vaccaro and Patrizia Borsotto/titolo:A Participatory Analysis of the Control and Certification System in the Italian Organic Rice Value Chain/doi:10.3390%2Fsu13042001/rivista:Sustainability (Basel)/anno:2021/pagina_da:/pagina_a:/intervallo_pagine:/volume:13
Popis: Italy is the leading European rice producer. The transition to organic farming of rice farms could represent a solution for environmental protection, as well as for their economic sustainability, consumer safety, and as a measure of climate mitigation. However, there are currently several weaknesses in the control and certification system. The objective of the current study was to propose advice for improving the control and certification scheme in the organic rice sector. The goal was achieved by adopting a qualitative methodology based on participant observation at stakeholder meetings and community-led workshops, and information collected in focus groups and deep interviews with relevant local actors. The findings show that there are some solutions to mitigate the weakness of the Italian certification scheme. The study also contributes to improving the Italian organic rice sector by highlighting that a revision of procedures and sanctions alone is not enough, and that an ethical and cultural change is also needed along the whole value chain.
Databáze: OpenAIRE