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In current economic conditions the improvement of investment projecting process is an essential element of efficient control. Investment projecting determines a financial policy of an economic entity as it includes both the development of most profitable means of income acquisition and search for new methods and tools for spare capital investment. In this case the development of the strategy based on investment projecting optimization is an important scientific issue. In the present research matrix games and regression analysis methods are used to make an economic – mathematical control model of an enterprise investment projecting process. The scientific novelty of the research is to develop methods of planned control and to extend the application field of mathematical apparatus of game theory to solve the tasks of optimal employment of recourses under conditions of competitive economic environment. The method to optimize the control of investment projecting suggested in the article allows choosing the best investment projecting strategy. This strategy is considered to be the process of such production output of an enterprise that will be soled with the best guaranteed profitability/risk ratio. The suggested econometric method to choose an optimal control strategy of investment projecting has been used in practice. Features of the suggested method application have been investigated in the case study of a real object of investment projecting, necessary calculations have been made and the obtained results have been analysed. This analysis has revealed the method efficiency to make control decisions when realizing investment projects. The present method may become a foundation for the development of modern tools for investment projecting control in the tasks of strategic optimization. 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