Comparative study of the electrophoretic mobility of the RNA of influenza parent and recombinant strains

Autor: N. E. Gorev, L. A. Zazimko
Rok vydání: 1976
Zdroj: Archives of Virology. 52:1-6
ISSN: 1432-8798
Popis: The electrophoretic mobility of the RNA of Influenza viruses A/WSN, A/Singapore and their antigenic recombinants X-7 and X-9 was investigated. The genome of each virus studied consisted of seven pieces of RNA. The electrophoretic profile of the influenza virus A/WSN RNA differed from that of A/Singapore but resumbled that of the recombinant X-9 genome. The essential differences were connected with the properties of the fifth fragment of the RNA. The molecular weight of this RNA species of influenza virus A/WSN and X-9 was 5.4 X 10(5) AND 5.3 X 10(5) daltons (d) respectively. The molecular weight of the corresponding component of the influenza viruses A/Sinapore and X-7 RNA was 6.2 X 10(5) and 6.3 X 10(5)d respectively.
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