Jazyk: ukrajinština
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Pedagogical Sciences; No. 78 (2021); 168-177
Педагогічні науки; № 78 (2021); 168-177
ISSN: 2524-2474
DOI: 10.33989/2524-2474.2021.78
Popis: In the methodological and theoretical dimension, Gregory Vashchenko built his own unique model of education taking into account the experience of working with children and youth (future teachers), based on deep national traditions, true Christian Orthodox spirituality and the best achievements of domestic and foreign pedagogical science. The aim of the article is to study the methodological and theoretical tools for studying the pedagogical personality on the example of the outstanding Ukrainian teacher of the twentieth century Gregory Vashchenko. The results of scientific research make it possible to state that the study of pedagogical views and ideas, systematization of the concept of spiritual and moral education of youth in the legacy of G. Vashchenko should be based on the use of scientifically grounded methodological tools. The methodological approaches chosen for historical and pedagogicalresearch, which determined the course and strategy of our research (personal-biographical, phenomenological, hermeneutic, synergetic, paradigmatic, axiological) combined with the corresponding principles (principle of objectivity, comprehensive study of pedagogical processes and phenomena, historicism, unity of historical and logical, multifactorial and systematic research) as the fundamental principles of interpretation of personality.Thanks to the selected principles of scientific research, the role and place of G. Vashchenko in the historical and pedagogical process was determined by applying research methods: retrospective, chronological, personal-biographical, search-bibliographic, comparative, constructive-genetic, which allowed to investigate: factors influencing formation of the teacher’s worldview (the role of family, environment, creative and student environment); formation of scientific and pedagogical views, the basis of which was the Ukrainian national idea; development of the Ukrainian educational ideal and creation of the concept of spiritual and moral education of the Ukrainian youth); to single out the main periods, defining stages and directions of scientific-pedagogical and educational-cultural activity of the teacher.Thus, a set of methodological and theoretical means (approaches, principles, methods) of historical and pedagogical research was used to study the pedagogical personality of G. Vashchenko, which allowed determining the general direction, strategy of our work and solving the relevant tasks.
У статті висвітлено методологію дослідження персоналії, зокрема спадщини Г. Ващенка. Проаналізовано праці науковців, висвітлення у словниках, розкрито поняття методології, основні підходи, принципи, методи, які необхідні для висвітлення наукової проблеми. Схарактеризовано принципи й методи, що необхідні для розкриття багатоаспектної спадщини педагога.
Databáze: OpenAIRE