Aplication's Aspects Of Public Relations By Nonprofit Organizations. Case Study Albania

Autor: Xhiliola Agaraj(Shehu), Murati, Merita, Gjini, Valbona
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2011
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1081203
Popis: The traditional public relations manager is usually responsible for maintaining and enhancing the reputation of the organization among key publics. While the principal focus of this effort is on support publics, it is quite clearly recognized that an organization's image has important effects on its own employees, its donors and volunteers, and its clients. The aim of paper is to define application`s aspects of public relations media and tools by nonprofit organizations in Albanian reality. Actually does used public relations media and tools, like written material, audiovisual material, organizational identity media, news, interviews and speeches, events, web sites by nonprofit organizations to attract donors? If, public relations media and tools are used, does exists a relation between public relation media and fundraising?
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