Phase-dependent audiometry with low-frequency masking revisited

Autor: Torsten Rahne, Kerstin Neumann, Christine Rasinski
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 188:302-304
ISSN: 0165-0270
Popis: Low-frequency masking is a psychoacoustical phenomenon, describing the modulation of a high-frequency probe tone burst by a low-frequency masker tone. The probe tone threshold is increased, if the probe tone is presented at a low-frequency phases around 90 degrees and 270 degrees . At these phases, the low-frequency masker tone induces a displacement of the basilar membrane of the inner ear which modulates the sensitivity of the inner hair cells. Measuring the modulation depth is partially applied in clinical routine to diagnose the endolymphatic hydrops. Although the modulation depth differs between normal ears and those which reveal an endolymphatic hydrops, the significance of these tests seems debatable. Here, we describe a new experimental setup, completely consisting of commercially available devices. Further, a user interface was developed to enable the application in the clinical routine. The experimental setup was approved with ten normal hearing listeners. All reveal a modulation of the probe stimulus threshold by different phases of the low-frequency masker stimulus. With this experimental setup, custom-made modifications of the essential parameters are feasible. This would be a contribution to solve open questions on the clinical relevance of the low-frequency masking phenomenon.
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