The Kinetic and Molecular Basis for the Interaction of LexA and Activated RecA Revealed by a Fluorescent Amino Acid Probe

Autor: Rahul M. Kohli, Chloe M. Jones, Zachary M Hostetler, Michael B. Cory, E. James Petersson
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: ACS Chem Biol
Popis: The bacterial DNA damage response (the SOS response) is a key pathway involved in antibiotic evasion and a promising target for combating acquired antibiotic resistance. Activation of the SOS response is controlled by two proteins: the repressor LexA and the DNA damage sensor RecA. Following DNA damage, direct interaction between RecA and LexA leads to de-repression of the SOS response. However, the exact molecular details of this interaction remain unknown. Here, we employ the fluorescent unnatural amino acid acridonylalanine (Acd) as a minimally-perturbing probe of the E. coli RecA:LexA complex. Using LexA labeled with Acd, we report the first kinetic model for the reversible binding of LexA to activated RecA. We also characterize the effects that specific amino acid truncations or substitutions in LexA have on RecA:LexA binding strength, and demonstrate that a mobile loop encoding LexA residues 75‒84 comprises a key recognition interface for RecA. Beyond insights into SOS activation, our approach also further establishes Acd as a sensitive fluorescent probe for investigating the dynamics of protein-protein interactions in other complex systems.
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