Thermoacoustic oscillations in a can-annular model combustor with asymmetries in the can-to-can coupling

Autor: Philip E. Buschmann, Nicholas A. Worth, Jonas P. Moeck
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Proceedings of the Combustion Institute
Popis: Can-annular combustors are equipped with a set of nominally identical cans, circumferentially arranged around the shaft. Adjacent cans are coupled acoustically via a small gap at the downstream end, where the circular cross-section transitions into the annular turbine inlet. Recent experimental and theoretical work has shown that the coupling strongly affects thermoacoustic system stability and, hence, may give rise to damaging pressure oscillations that originate from a constructive interference of pressure waves and heat release rate fluctuations. A laboratory-scale can-annular combustor has been operated with premixed CH–H–air mixtures to study these instabilities. The combustor consists of eight identical cans, connected acoustically to their respective neighbours via size-adjustable side branches; the latter allow for a variation of the coupling strength. New experimental results are presented in which five asymmetric sets of coupling strengths are investigated and compared to a previously studied symmetric configuration. The sets are chosen such that the symmetry is gradually reduced until a fully asymmetric configuration is realized. The perturbations affect the observed mode type, frequency of oscillation and the pressure amplitude distribution over the eight cans. The perturbations via the can-to-can couplings do not trigger mode localization. The symmetric configuration considered previously, shows activity in an azimuthal mode of third and fourth order, with unsteady switching between the two. The mode shape is characterised through novel phase-averaged chemiluminescence images capturing all eight cans.
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