Infertility in dairy cows – Possible bacterial and viral causes
Autor: | István Kiss, Zsuzsa Kreizinger, László Makrai, Béla Dénes, Mislav Kovačić, Levente Szeredi, István Fodor, Attila Dobos, Dražen Đuričić |
Rok vydání: | 2021 |
Předmět: | |
Zdroj: | Veterinarska stanica Volume 53 Issue 1 |
ISSN: | 1849-1170 0350-7149 |
DOI: | 10.46419/vs.53.1.8 |
Popis: | In this research uterine swab and biopsy samples were collected from 40 infertile dairy cows kept at five dairy cattle farms in Hungary. Samples were tested for bacteria including Coxiella burnetii chlamydiae, Mycoplasma and Ureaplasma, and for the viruses Bovine herpesvirus 1 (BoHV-1) and Bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV). Chlamydiaceae DNA was detected by real-time PCR in 22/40 (55%) samples. Coxiella burnetii DNA was detected in 3/40 (7.5%) cases by real-time PCR. Mycoplasma and Ureaplasma DNA was found in 2/40 (5%) and 4/40 (10%) cows, respectively. BVD and BoHV-1 DNA was not detected in any samples. Escherichia coli as a recognised uterine pathogen was found in two cases. The following potential uterine pathogens were found: Bacillus licheniformis (one case), non- haemolytic streptococci (five cases), Histophilus somni (two cases) and Candida krusei (two cases). Blood samples were collected at same time as swab samples from all 40 cows, and their examination for C. burnetii antibodies by ELISA revealed seropositivity in 26/40 cows (65%). Histological examination of the uterine biopsy samples showed the presence of mild lympho-histiocytic infiltration in the mucosain 22 cases (59%). Moderatelympho-histiocytic infiltration of the endometrium was evident in 13 cases (35%), while in two cases (6%) severe inflammatory cell infiltration of the endometrium with lympho-histiocytes and neutrophil granulocytes was found. Although no statistical correlation could be demonstrated between the severity of histological lesions of the endometrium and the uterine pathogenicity of the bacteria (P = 0.8555), endometritis of a certain severity grade and/or a recognised or potential uterine pathogen were found in all samples. The latter may play a role in the development of infertility either collectively or independently. U ovom su istraživanju prikupljeni brisevi maternice i biopsijski uzorci 40 neplodnih mliječnih krava s pet mliječnih farmi u Mađarskoj. Uzorci su testirani na bakterije, uključujući; Coxiella burnetii, klamidiju, mikoplazmu i ureaplazmu te na viruse uključujući goveđi herpesvirus 1 (BoHV- 1) i virus virsnog proljeva goveda (BVDV). DNK Chlamydiaceae otkriven je PCR testom u stvarnom vremenu u 22/40 (55 %) uzoraka. DNK bakterije Coxiella burnetii otkriven je u 3/40 (7,5 %) slučajeva PCR testom u stvarnom vremenu. DNK mikoplazme i ureaplazme pronađen je u 2/40 (5 %), odnosno 4/40 (10 %) krava. DNK virusa BVD i BoHV-1 niti u jednom uzorku nije otkriven. Escherichia coli kao priznati maternični patogen pronađen je u dva slučaja. Pronađeni su sljedeći potencijalni maternični patogeni: Bacillus licheniformis (jedan slučaj), nehemolitički streptokoki (pet slučajeva), Histophilus somni (dva slučaja) i Candida krusei (dva slučaja). Uzorci krvi su istovremeno prikupljeni kad i brisevi od svih 40 pokusnih krava. Njihova pretraga na protututijela C. burnetii ELISA metodom otkrila je seropozitivnost u 26/40 krava (65 %). Histološka pretraga uzoraka biopsije maternice pokazala je prisutnost blage limfohistiocitotske infiltracije u sluznici u 22 slučaja (59 %). Umjerena limfohistiocitotska infiltracija endometrija bila je prisutna u 13 slučajeva (35 %), dok je u dva slučaja (6 %) otkrivena ozbiljna upalna stanična infiltracija endometrija s limfohistiocitima i neutrofilnim granulocitima. Premda nije bilo moguće dokazati statističku korelaciju između ozbiljnosti histoloških lezija endometrija i maternične patogenosti bakterija (P = 0,8555), endometrioza određenog stupnja ozbiljnost i/ ili priznati ili potencijalni maternični patogeni pronađeni su u svim uzorcima. Ovi posljednji mogu prouzročiti razvooj neplodnosti bilo skupno ili neovisno. |
Databáze: | OpenAIRE |
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