Time-like baryon transitions studies with HADES

Autor: A. Blanco, P. Fonte, A. Ivashkin, R. Kotte, V. Kushpil, C. Wendisch, A. Lebedev, P. Wintz, L. Silva, S. Morozov, K. Nowakowski, A. Belounnas, A. B. Kurepin, J. Kuboś, Manfred Sobiella, C. Müntz, M. Traxler, C. Deveaux, P. Tlusty, R. Greifenhagen, E. Schwab, Christoph Blume, S. Spataro, Arkadiy Taranenko, V. Mikhaylov, T. Heinz, H. Tsertos, I. Fröhlich, O. Svoboda, M. Liu, A.I. Zinchenko, B. Kardan, F. Kornas, A. Kozela, D. Pfeifer, K. H. Kampert, B. Kämpfer, R. Lalik, O. Petukhov, M. Lorenz, V. Pechenov, B. Włoch, L. Lopes, M. Gumberidze, A.P. Ierusalimov, T. Galatyuk, F. Seck, W. Koenig, C. Pauly, P. K. Kurilkin, Fedor Guber, Joachim Stroth, P. Chudoba, S. Harabasz, C. Franco, L. Naumann, P. Bordalo, Oliver Werner Arnold, M. Zuschke, Laura Fabbietti, R. Holzmann, H. Schuldes, J. Pietraszko, J. Markert, T. Hennino, I. Koenig, Vikram Patel, Andrey Reshetin, D. Dittert, Roman Gernhäuser, G. Kornakov, A. Kugler, Ilya Selyuzhenkov, Grzegorz Korcyl, V. Khomyakov, Y. Parpottas, S. Ramos, D. M. Mihaylov, M. Kajetanowicz, L. Chlad, Anna Carolina Toledo da Cunha Pereira, M. Böhmer, J. Dreyer, Alexander Belyaev, Izabela Ciepał, V. Petousis, S. Spies, A. Rost, V. P. Ladygin, S. Linev, Witold Przygoda, A. Gillitzer, L. Ritman, P. Zumbruch, O. V. Fateev, Victor Ivanov, P. Salabura, A. Zhilin, T. Kunz, H. Ströbele, B. Ramstein, F. Scozzi, M. B. Golubeva, Gennady Lykasov, J. Adamczewski-Musch, P. Rodriguez-Ramos, A. Sadovsky, M. Himmelreich, V. Wagner, C. Höhne, T. Mahmoud, M. G. Wiebusch, J. Friese, P. Sellheim, S. Maurus, P. Strzempek, J. Biernat, J. A. Garzón, Tatiana Karavicheva, A. Troyan, K. Pysz, T. Scheib, B. Arnoldi-Meadows, Volker Metag, J. Michel, J. Wirth, O. Pechenova, M. Szala, Jerzy Smyrski, Alexander Malakhov
Přispěvatelé: Institut de Physique Nucléaire d'Orsay (IPNO), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Université Paris-Sud - Paris 11 (UP11), HADES, Université Paris-Sud - Paris 11 (UP11)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: European Physical Journal Web of Conferences 199(2019), 01008
EPJ Web of Conferences, Vol 199, p 01008 (2019)
Les Ulis : EDP Sciences, The European physical journal / Web of Conferences Web of Conferences : proceedings proceedings 199, 01008-(2019). doi:10.1051/epjconf/201919901008
15th International Workshop on Meson Physics (MESON), Krakau, Polen, 2018-06-07-2018-06-12
EPJ Web Conf.
15th International Workshop on Meson Physics
15th International Workshop on Meson Physics, Jun 2018, Kraków, Poland. pp.01008, ⟨10.1051/epjconf/201919901008⟩
The European physical journal / Web of Conferences Web of Conferences : proceedings proceedings 199, 01008-(2019). doi:10.1051/epjconf/201919901008
Popis: The HADES collaboration uses the e+e−production as a probe of the resonance matter produced in collisions at incident energies of 1-3.5 GeV/nucleon at GSI. Elementary reactions provide useful references for these studies and give information on resonance Dalitz decays (R→Ne+e−). Such processes are sensitive to the structure of time-like electromagnetic baryon transitions in a kinematic range where (off-shell) vector mesons play a crucial role. Results obtained in proton-proton reactions and in a commissioning pion-beam experiment are reported and prospects for future pion beam experiments and for first hyperon Dalitz decay measurements are described. The connection with the investigations of medium effects to be continued with HADES in the next years at SIS18 and SIS100 is also discussed.
Databáze: OpenAIRE