Taxonomy and phylogeny of the ascomycetous yeast genus Zygoascus, with proposal of Zygoascus meyerae sp. nov. and related anamorphic varieties

Autor: Wendy Epping, Maudy Th. Smith, A. W. A. M. de Cock, G. A. Poot, Vincent Robert
Rok vydání: 2005
Zdroj: International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 55(3), 1353-1363. Society for General Microbiology
ISSN: 1466-5026
Popis: Physiological characters, mating compatibility, PCR-RAPD fingerprints, mol% G+C content, DNA–DNA relatedness, and large-subunit and internal transcribed spacer rRNA gene sequences of strains assigned to the genus Zygoascus were re-examined. On the basis of those data, and after phylogenetic analyses, an emendation of Zygoascus hellenicus (type material is a cross of CBS 6736T×CBS 5839T) is proposed, comprising two novel anamorphic varieties, Candida steatolytica var. steatolytica (CBS 6736T) and C. steatolytica var. inositophila (CBS 5839T). A novel teleomorphic species, Zygoascus meyerae sp. nov. (type material is a cross of CBS 4099T×CBS 7521T) is described, together with two novel anamorphic varieties corresponding to it, Candida hellenica var. hellenica (CBS 4099T) and C. hellenica var. acidophila (CBS 7115T).
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