Differential expression of myosin heavy chain isoforms type II in skeletal muscles of polar and black bears

Autor: Mutsumi Kawata, Claudius Luziga, Hirofumi Miyata, Takao Sugiura, Naomi Wada
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Anatomia, histologia, embryologiaREFERENCES.
ISSN: 1439-0264
Popis: In this study, the pattern of myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoforms expression in skeletal muscles of the trunk, forelimb and hindlimb in Polar Bear (PB) Ursus maritimus; American Black Bear (AmBB), Ursus americanus and Asian Black Bear (AsBB), Ursus thibetanus was analysed by immunohistochemistry and SDS-PAGE. Results showed that slow (MHC-I) and fast (MHC-II) isoforms exist in muscles of bears. Type II fibres were classified further into Type IIa and IIx in PB but not in AsBB and AmBB. The distribution of Type I and Type II fibres in the trunk, forelimb and hindlimb varied based on muscle type and animal species. The proportions of Type I fibres formed approximately one-third of muscle composition in PB (trunk, 32.0%; forelimb, 34.7%; hindlimb, 34.5%) and a half in both AsBB and AmBB whereas Type IIa and IIx formed approximately two-third in PB (trunk, 68.0%; forelimb, 65.3%; hindlimb, 65.5%) and a half of Type II in both AmBB and AsBB. PB is a good swimmer, lives in Arctic Ocean on slippery ice catching aquatic mammals such as seals and is larger in size compared to the medium sized AmBB (living in forest) and AsBB (arboreal). The results suggest that in bears, there is greater diversity in MHC isoforms II, being expressed in selected fast contracting skeletal muscles in response to variety of environments, weight bearing and locomotion.
Databáze: OpenAIRE