Amides of xanthurenic acid as zinc-dependent inhibitors of Lp-PLA2

Autor: Eric Okerberg, Julia Cajica, Kevin R. Shreder, Yasushi Kohno, Lan M. Pham, Heidi E. Brown, Junichi Ishiyama, Yi Hu, John W. Kozarich, Allister Fraser, Lingling Du, Emme C.K. Lin, Christopher M. Amantea
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters. 22:868-871
ISSN: 0960-894X
Popis: AX10185, the phenyl amide of xanthurenic acid, was found to be a sub-100 nM inhibitor of Lp-PLA2. However, in the presence of EDTA the inhibitory activity of AX10185 was extinguished while the enzymatic activity of Lp-PLA2 did not change. Subsequent metal screening experiments determined the inhibition to be Zn2+ dependent. Structure–activity relationship studies indicated the presence of the 4-hydroxy group to be critical and selected substituted phenyl, polycyclic, and cycloaliphatic amides of xanthurenic acid to be well tolerated.
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