Low-Dose Oral Clonidine as Premedication before Intraocular Surgery in Retrobulbar Anesthesia

Autor: Klaus W. Ruprecht, Ralph-Thomas Kiefer, A. Rippa, Josef Weindler, Katja Wiech
Rok vydání: 2000
Zdroj: European Journal of Ophthalmology. 10:248-256
ISSN: 1724-6016
Popis: PURPOSE. We investigated whether low-dosed oral clonidine premedication before elective intraocular surgery in retrobulbar anesthesia is effective in terms of anxiolysis, sedation, stable hemodynamics, lower intraocular pressure and perioperative endocrine stress response. METHODS. In a prospective, randomised, double-blind study, 44 patients scheduled for elective intraocular surgery received either 0.15 mg clonidine (n=22) or a matched placebo (n=22) orally 60 minutes before retrobulbar anesthesia. The main study parameters were sedation, anxiolysis, hemodynamics and intraocular pressure. Additionally, mediators of endocrine stress responses were measured five times, in 13 patients after clonidine and 12 after placebo. RESULTS. After clonidine 86% of the patients showed sedation and after placebo 90.9% showed no sedation (p
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