Oxygen transport with oscillations of inspired oxygen concentration

Autor: R. M. Hamilton, L. Sutton, E.M. Williams, Clive E.W. Hahn
Rok vydání: 1997
Zdroj: Respiration Physiology. 108:79-87
ISSN: 0034-5687
Popis: A theoretical model predicts that forced inspiratory oxygen concentration oscillations can be used to recover cardiorespiratory data and elicit information about the oxygen transport system (Hahn, 1996). The effects of hypoxia on the penetration of these generated oxygen oscillations into arterial and venous blood were explored in dogs exposed to a graded severity of hypoxia. Continuously recorded sinusoidal oxygen oscillations in the respired partial pressure, blood tension and mixed-venous saturation show that the transmission of forced oxygen oscillations from the lungs to the arterial blood depends on the mean arterial saturation. When mean inspired oxygen is high enough to fully saturate arterial haemoglobin, an inspired oscillation can only be transmitted in the blood as an oscillation in oxygen tension. However, in the presence of arterial hypoxaemia, oscillations in both the oxygen saturation and partial pressure of arterial blood are observed. Under these conditions, the oxygen saturation and partial pressure oscillations are also transmitted to mixed-venous blood. Our data illustrates that the link between the arterial and mixed-venous oscillations is non-linear and dependent on the sigmoidal binding relationship between oxygen and haemoglobin.
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