Politikberatung und Lobbyismus in Deutschland und Polen

Autor: Dorota Piontek, Michael Minkenberg, Artur Kopka
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Politikberatung und Lobbyismus im parlamentarischen Entscheidungsprozess ISBN: 9783658274177
Adam Mickiewicz University-Omega-PSIR
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-27418-4_11
Popis: The article summarises the research and analyses carried out in the frame of the conducted project. Conclusions resulting from the combination of the applied theoretical concepts and the analysis of the empirical material are presented. The theoretical concepts and the developed conclusions indicate a number of differences in the way how political consulting and lobbyism function in Poland and Germany and build a set of theses and assumptions that could be used as basis for further research in a comparative perspective in this area.
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