QCD resummation for light-particle jets

Autor: Zhao Li, Hsiang-nan Li, C.-P. Yuan
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2012
Popis: We construct an evolution equation for the invariant-mass distribution of light-quark and gluon jets in the framework of QCD resummation. The solution of the evolution equation exhibits a behavior consistent with Tevatron CDF data: the jet distribution vanishes in the small invariant-mass limit, and its peak moves toward the high invariant-mass region with the jet energy. We also construct an evolution equation for the energy profile of the light-quark and gluon jets in the similar framework. The solution shows that the energy accumulates faster within a light-quark jet cone than within a gluon jet cone. The jet energy profile convoluted with hard scattering and parton distribution functions matches well with the Tevatron CDF and the large-hadron-collider (LHC) CMS data. Moreover, comparison with the CDF and CMS data implies that jets with large (small) transverse momentum are mainly composed of the light-quark (gluon) jets. At last, we discuss the application of the above solutions for the light-particle jets to the identification of highly-boosted heavy particles produced at LHC.
22 pages, 13 figures
Databáze: OpenAIRE