Schistosome TRPML channels play a role in neuromuscular activity and tegumental integrity

Autor: Swarna Bais, Abigail Norwillo, Gordon Ruthel, De’Broski R. Herbert, Bruce D. Freedman, Robert M. Greenberg
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Biochimie
ISSN: 0300-9084
Popis: Schistosomiasis is a neglected tropical disease caused by parasitic flatworms of the genus Schistosoma. Mono-therapeutic treatment of this disease with the drug praziquantel, presents challenges such as inactivity against immature worms and inability to prevent reinfection. Importantly, ion channels are important targets for many current anthelmintics. Transient receptor potential (TRP) channels are important mediators of sensory signals with marked effects on cellular functions and signaling pathways. TRPML channels are a class of Ca(2+)-permeable TRP channels expressed on endolysosomal membranes. They regulate lysosomal function and trafficking, among other functions. Schistosoma mansoni is predicted to have a single TRPML gene (SmTRPML) with two splice variants differing by 12 amino acids. This study focuses on exploring the physiological properties of SmTRPML channels to better understand their role in schistosomes. In mammalian cells expressing SmTRPML, TRPML activators elicit a rise in intracellular Ca(2+). In these cells, SmTRPML localizes both to lysosomes and the plasma membrane. These same TRPML activators elicit an increase in adult worm motility that is dependent on SmTRPML expression, indicating a role for these channels in parasite neuromuscular activity. Suppression of SmTRPML in adult worms, or exposure of adult worms to TRPML inhibitors, results in tegumental vacuolations, balloon-like surface exudates, and membrane blebbing, similar to that found following TRPML loss in other organisms. Together, these findings indicate that SmTRPML may regulate the function of the schistosome endolysosomal system. Further, the role of SmTRPML in neuromuscular activity and in parasite tegumental integrity establishes this channel as a candidate anti-schistosome drug target.
Databáze: OpenAIRE