Autor: Deimantė Žilinskienė, Adomas Vincas Rakšnys
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Tiltai [Bridges]. [Brücken]. 2020, Nr.1 (84), p. 75-84.
ISSN: 2351-6569
Popis: Straipsnyje nagrinėjama fizinės organizacijos aplinkos – biuro įtaka įvairiems vadybos procesams. Pateikiama fizinės organizacijos aplinkos samprata, jos esminiai klasifikavimo būdai, nagrinėjami esminiai uždaro ir atviro biuro privalumai vidinės komunikacijos, konfliktų sprendimo, organizacinės kultūros ir subkultūrų puoselėjimo, darbuotojų produktyvumo ir kitų organizacinių reiškinių kontekste. XXI a. tendencijos atskleidžia, kad vis daugiau verslo organizacijų renkasi atviro biuro stilių, siekdamos atsiriboti nuo tradicinei biurokratinei organizacijai būdingos fizinės aplinkos. Straipsnio autoriai siekia kritiškai įvertinti uždaro ir atviro biuro privalumus bei trūkumus, apžvelgti galimas ateities tendencijas ir organizacijų fizinės aplinkos tyrimų perspektyvas. Visgi šių kompleksinių veiksnių tyrimai pirmiausia numato tarpdisciplininę metodologinę prieigą, sutelkiant vadybos, ekonomikos, psichologijos, architektūros ir kitų sričių žinias, o Lietuvos moksliniame diskurse ši tema nesulaukia pakankamo dėmesio. Straipsnio autoriai siekia apibrėžti fizinės organizacijos aplinkos sampratą, nustatyti jos esminius bruožus, pateikti uždaros ir atviros fizinės aplinkos skirtumus. The constantly changing specifics of the activities of modern business and public and non-governmental organisations include the complexity of tasks and problems to be solved, the change in procedures, and the need to look for new ways to increase the efficiency of employees. Employees increasingly have to have wideranging competencies, and be able to work in conditions of globalisation and a high-risk and knowledge economy, use modern technologies, and apply different methods and the best international management principles and practices in their activities. However, various requirements are placed not only on employees, but also on organisations, such as a competitive environment, good global practices, and the application of the juxtaposition method to encourage organisations to invest primarily in the improvement of the physical environment of the organisation. This trend is also observed in the context of Lithuanian organisations, especially in the business sector. In the scientific discourse, there are various pieces of research examining the connection between the physical environment of the organisation and various aspects of employee activity, and their possible influence on the efficiency of employee activity. The possible impact of the physical environment, especially informal spaces (smoking and coffee drinking spaces), on the formation of organisational subcultures, which can challenge the dominant organisational hierarchy and the organisational culture, is discussed. J. Tomi et. al. conducted a study in Finland which observed changes in the organisational culture and employee creativity factors as the physical environment of the organisation changed, moving from a more bureaucratic closed environment to a more open office editorial office. J.A. Veitch et. al. showed that the quality of lighting used in offices increases employee productivity, and improves employees’ psychological condition. Evaluating conclusions formed on the basis of this and other research, it can be assumed that the physical environment of the organisation can have various functions that promote and restrict the internal processes of the organisation; therefore, the formation of a suitable environment is a prerequisite for employee efficiency. V. Peteri et. al. (2020, p. 2) argue that the manipulation of an organisation’s physical space can also create new forms of governance, change existing power relations, establish forms of control, and even unite employees. Nevertheless, the research into these complex factors requires primarily an interdisciplinary methodological approach, combining a knowledge of management, economics, psychology, architecture, and other fields, and this topic does not receive sufficient attention in the Lithuanian scientific discourse. The article raises a scientific problem: what is the possible impact of the physical environment on processes taking place in organisations? The aim is to find out the essential possible stimulating and restrictive effects of the physical environment on the procedures of organisations. To achieve this goal, the authors use methods of analysis, meta-analysis, systematic analysis, synthesis, generalisation, and comparison of scientific literature.
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