Influence of particle size on the ice nucleating ability of mineral dusts

Autor: Welti, André, Lüönd, Felix, Stetzer, Olaf, Lohmann, Ulrike
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 9 (2)
ISSN: 1680-7375
Popis: The recently developed Zurich Ice Nucleation Chamber (ZINC) was used to explore icenucleation of size-selected mineral dust particles at temperatures between−20◦C and−55◦C. Four different mineral dust species have been tested: montmorillonite, kaolinite,illite and Arizona test dust (ATD). The selected particle diameters are 100nm, 200nm,400 nm and 800nm. Relative humidities with respect to ice (RHi) required to activate1% of the dust particles as ice nuclei (IN) are reported as a function of temperature.An explicit size dependence of the ice formation efficiency has been observed for alldust types. Deposition nucleation was found only below−30◦C or−35◦C dependenton particle size. 800 nm particles required the lowest RHito activate. Minimum RHi for 1% activation were 105% for illite, kaolinite and montmorillonite at−40◦C, respectively110% for ATD at−45◦C. In addition, a possible parameterisation for the measuredactivation spectra is proposed, which could be used in modeling studies.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 9 (2)
Databáze: OpenAIRE