Knowledge, attitude and behaviors of the mothers of 10-15 year old daughters regarding cervical cancer and HPV vaccine 10-15 yaş arası kız çocuğu olan annelerin rahim ağzı kanseri ve HPV aşısı konusunda bilgi, tutum ve davranışları

Autor: Işın Alkan, Meltem Kürtüncü, Özgür Bahadir, Nurten Arslan
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Journal of Human Sciences; Vol 15, No 2 (2018); 1072-1085
Uluslararası İnsan Bilimleri Dergisi; Vol 15, No 2 (2018); 1072-1085
ISSN: 2458-9489
Popis: This study was performed to determine the knowledge, attitude and behaviors of the mothers of 10-15 year old daughters regarding cervical cancer and HPV vaccination. This was a descriptive and sectional study. 100 mothers among the ones who admitted to the polyclinic to a university hospital who approved to participate in the study were included in the study. Data collection form was prepared by the researcher and collected by face-to-face interview technique. Chi-Square test was used in statistical analyse. It was observed that 47% of the mothers have not heard about HPV but about 67% of mothers HPV vaccination. It was seen that 91% have known that HPV caused cervical cancer and 88% of the mothers have heard pap smear test, but 56% have not undergone the test. 88% of the mothers have heard pap smear test, but 56% have not undergone the test. 15% of the mothers wanted to be informed about the reliability, 9% of side effects, 14% protection level and 12% of protection duration of the vaccine. When education status of the mothers and whether they give information to their children about health issues were examined, it was increased about hearing HPV vaccine and there was a signifant difference about giving knowledge rate their children. And also, there was a significant difference about giving knowledge, especially general health status, and knowledge level of mothers who were working. In conclusion, it should be provided to plan and disseminate education programs for the mothers about cervical cancer, HPV and HPV vaccine. Extended English summary is in the end of Full Text PDF (TURKISH) file . Ozet Arastirma 10-15 yas arasi kiz cocugu olan annelerin rahim agzi kanseri ve HPV asisi hakkinda bilgi, tutum, davranislarini belirlemek amaciyla yapildi. Arastirma tanimlayici ve kesitsel tiptedir. Arastirmaya bir universite hastanesinin poliklinigine basvuran ve 10-15 yas arasi kiz cocugu olan 100 anne alindi. Veriler arastirmaci tarafindan hazirlanan katilimci bilgi formuyla yuz yuze gorusme yontemiyle toplandi. Istatiksel analizde ki-kare testi kullanildi. Annelerin %47’sinin HPV enfeksiyonunu daha once duymadigi ancak %67’sinin HPV asisini daha once duydugu goruldu. Annelerin %91’inin HPV’ nin rahim agzi kanserine neden oldugunu bildigi gorulurken, %88’inin rahim agzi kanserini ve papsmear testini duydugu, ancak %56’sinin pap smear testini yaptirmadigi belirlendi. Annelerin %15’i asinin guvenilirligi, %9’u yan etkileri, %14’u koruyuculuk duzeyi, %12’si koruma suresi hakkinda bilgilendirilmek istedigini ifade etti. Annelerin egitim durumlarina gore cocuklarina saglik konusunda bilgi verip vermediklerine bakildiginda annelerin egitim seviyesi arttikca HPV asisini duyma oranlarinin artisi ve cocuklarini bilgilendirme oranlari arasinda istatistiksel olarak anlamli fark saptanmistir. Calisan annelerin ozellikle genel saglik ile ilgili konularda bilgi verme ve HPV ile ilgili bilgi durumlari arasinda da anlamli fark bulunmustur. Sonuc olarak, annelere rahim agzi kanseri, HPV ve HPV asisi ile ilgili egitim programlarinin planlanmasi ve bilgi durumlarinin artmasi icin de yayginlastirilmasi onerilmektedir.
Databáze: OpenAIRE