Quantitative Measurement of Cationic Polymer Vector and Polymer–pDNA Polyplex Intercalation into the Cell Plasma Membrane

Autor: Kevin Anderson, Milan Kaushik, Casey A. Dougherty, Christina N. Kelly, Sriram Vaidyanathan, Rachel L. Merzel, Mallory A. van Dongen, Mark M. Banaszak Holl, Bradford G. Orr, Binyamin Jacobovitz
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: ACS Nano. 9:6097-6109
ISSN: 1936-086X
Popis: Cationic gene delivery agents (vectors) are important for delivering nucleotides, but are also responsible for cytotoxicity. Cationic polymers (L-PEI, jetPEI, and G5 PAMAM) at 1x to 100x the concentrations required for translational activity (protein expression) induced the same increase in plasma membrane current of HEK 293A cells (30-50 nA) as measured by whole cell patch-clamp. This indicates saturation of the cell membrane by the cationic polymers. The increased currents induced by the polymers are not reversible for over 15 minutes. Irreversibility on this time scale is consistent with a polymer-supported pore or carpet model and indicates that the cell is unable to clear the polymer from the membrane. For polyplexes, although the charge concentration was the same (at N: P ration of 10:1), G5 PAMAM and jetPEI polyplexes induced a much larger current increase (40- 50 nA) than L-PEI polyplexes (< 20 nA). Both free cationic lipid and lipid polyplexes induced a lower increase in current than cationic polymers (< 20 nA). To quantify the membrane bound material, partition constants were measured for both free vectors and polyplexes into the HEK 293A cell membrane using a dye influx assay. The partition constants of free vectors increased with charge density of the vectors. Polyplex partition constants did not show such a trend. The long lasting cell plasma permeability induced by exposure to the polymer vectors or the polyplexes provides a plausible mechanism for the toxicity and inflammatory response induced by exposure to these materials.
Databáze: OpenAIRE