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Latar belakang: Halusinasi merupakan salah satu gejala gangguan jiwa. Peluang kesembuhan dan kekambuhan penderita halusinasi ditentukan oleh peran keluarga. Perawatan yang lama dapat membentuk persepsi berbeda bagi setiap keluarga tentang pengalaman yang dirasakan. Tujuan: menelaah artikel terkait pengalaman keluarga atau caregiver dalam merawat orang dengan gangguan jiwa (ODGJ) halusinasi. Metode: desain penelitian merupakan literature review menggunakan 10 artikel. Pencarian artikel melalui google scholar dari tahun 2010 sampai 2020. Pencarian dilakukan 2 kali, kata kunci pertama “keluarga, ODGJ halusinasi, keluarga mampu merawat ODGJ”. Kata kunci kedua “caregiver, klien dengan gangguan jiwa, caregiver mampu merawat klien dengan gangguan jiwa”. Hasil: hasil penelitian literature review sangat bervariasi, mulai dari judul, metode, desain, jumlah partisipan, resiko bias, dan hasil penelitian dalam artikel. Kesimpulan: berdasarkan 10 artikel didapatkan 38 tema pengalaman keluarga atau caregiver dalam merawat ODGJ halusinasi, perilaku pengasuhan maupun pengobatan keluarga masih kurang, dan kemampuan keluarga dalam merawat ODGJ masih rendah. Rekomendasi: peneliti selanjutnya diharapkan mencari artikel dari sumber pencarian lainnya, dan menyertakan kriteria inklusi-eksklusi partisipan. Bagi institusi diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kemampuan mahasiswa dalam memberikan edukasi, dan mempermudah akses jurnal online.Kata Kunci: Keluarga, Caregiver, Orang Dengan Gangguan Jiwa (ODGJ) Halusinasi1 AbstractIntroduction: Hallucinations are one of the symptoms in a mental disorders. The chance of healing and relapse of patients with hallucinations is determined by the role of family. Long treatment can form a different perceptions for each family about the experience they feel. Objective: this study aimed to examine the articles related to the experience of the family or caregiver in treating of hallucinations people with mental disorders (PWMD). Methods: design this study is literature review by using 10 articles. Search articles through Google Scholar from 2010 until 2020. The search is done 2 times, the first keyword “family, hallucination PWMD, the family is able to treat PWMD” and the second keyword “caregiver, clients with mental disorders, caregivers are able to treat clients with mental disorders”. Results: result of the study is vary greatly, starting from the title, method, design, number of participants, risk of bias, and the results of research in the article. Conclusion: based on 10 articles found 38 themes of family or caregiver experience, care behavior and family treatment in PWMD is still lacking, and it can be seen that the family's ability to treat PWMD is still low. Recommendation: further researchers are expected to find articles from other search sources, and clearly include inclusion-exclusion criteria of participants. For the institution is expected to improve the ability of students in education. Institution is expected to improve the ability of students to provide education, and facilitate to online journal access.Keyword: Family, Caregiver, Hallucinations People With Mental Disorders (PWMD |