A Single-Channel EOG-Based Speller

Autor: Yuanqing Li, Shenghong He
Rok vydání: 2017
Support Vector Machine
Eye Movements
Computer science
Feature vector
Interface (computing)
Speech recognition
0206 medical engineering
Feature extraction
Wavelet Analysis
Biomedical Engineering
02 engineering and technology
Communication Aids for Disabled
User-Computer Interface
Young Adult
03 medical and health sciences
0302 clinical medicine
Mode (computer interface)
Internal Medicine
Computer vision
Graphical user interface
General Neuroscience
Signal Processing

Equipment Design
020601 biomedical engineering
Healthy Volunteers
Support vector machine
Artificial intelligence
Energy Metabolism
Psychomotor Performance
030217 neurology & neurosurgery
Zdroj: IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering. 25:1978-1987
ISSN: 1558-0210
Popis: Electrooculography (EOG) signals, which can be used to infer the intentions of a user based on eye movements, are widely used in human-computer interface (HCI) systems. Most existing EOG-based HCI systems incorporate a limited number of commands because they generally associate different commands with a few different types of eye movements, such as looking up, down, left, or right. This paper presents a novel single-channel EOG-based HCI that allows users to spell asynchronously by only blinking. Forty buttons corresponding to 40 characters displayed to the user via a graphical user interface are intensified in a random order. To select a button, the user must blink his/her eyes in synchrony as the target button is flashed. Two data processing procedures, specifically support vector machine (SVM) classification and waveform detection, are combined to detect eye blinks. During detection, we simultaneously feed the feature vectors extracted from the ongoing EOG signal into the SVM classification and waveform detection modules. Decisions are made based on the results of the SVM classification and waveform detection. Three online experiments were conducted with eight healthy subjects. We achieved an average accuracy of 94.4% and a response time of 4.14 s for selecting a character in synchronous mode, as well as an average accuracy of 93.43% and a false positive rate of 0.03/min in the idle state in asynchronous mode. The experimental results, therefore, demonstrated the effectiveness of this single-channel EOG-based speller.
Databáze: OpenAIRE