Additional file 7: of Genome analysis of E. coli isolated from Crohnâ s disease patients

Autor: Rakitina, Daria, Manolov, Alexander, Kanygina, Alexandra, Garushyants, Sofya, Baikova, Julia, Alexeev, Dmitry, Ladygina, Valentina, Kostryukova, Elena, Larin, Andrei, Semashko, Tatiana, Karpova, Irina, Babenko, Vladislav, Ruzilya Ismagilova, Malanin, Sergei, Gelfand, Mikhail, Ilina, Elena, Gorodnichev, Roman, Lisitsyna, Eugenia, Aleshkin, Gennady, Scherbakov, Petr, Khalif, Igor, Shapina, Marina, Maev, Igor, Andreev, Dmitry, Govorun, Vadim
Rok vydání: 2017
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.c.3831184_d10
Popis: plLF82 homologs in CD-associated E. coli. (A) Sequence similarity of CD isolates with the plasmid pLF82 (100Â kb), (B) and (C) functions of proteins common between pLF82 or pJJ1886_4 and CD isolates The functions were obtained from original annotation, complemented by Prokka annotation and BLAST protein similarity search. (D) Sequence similarity of commensal E. coli isolates with plasmids plLF82 and pJJ1886_4 (script for the data is described in supplementary data [41]. (DOC 228Â kb)
Databáze: OpenAIRE