Characterization of a monolithic concatenated SOA/SA waveguide device for picosecond pulse amplification and shaping

Autor: Martijn J. R. Heck, Erwin Bente, Yohan Barbarin, Daan Lenstra, MK Meint Smit, R Richard Nötzel, YS Yok-Siang Oei, Hyun-Do Jung, A. Fryda
Přispěvatelé: Photonic Integration, Photonics and Semiconductor Nanophysics, Electro-Optical Communication
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2008
Zdroj: IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 44(4), 360-369. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
ISSN: 0018-9197
Popis: In this paper, a monolithic waveguide device, named IRIS, is presented. The device consists of an array of concatenated semiconductor optical amplifiers and saturable absorbers. We have fabricated the devices in InP-InGaAsP bulk gain material and we have experimentally investigated picosecond pulse transmission through these devices. Operated as an optical amplifier the IRIS devices show a decreased temporal pulse broadening and decreased amplified spontaneous emission noise generation as compared to a semiconductor optical amplifier of equivalent length. Used as a nonlinear element to increase the optical bandwidth of a picosecond pulse train, the spectra obtained with IRIS devices show an increased broadening and smoothness as compared to a semiconductor optical amplifier. We have set up a theoretical model to describe spectral and temporal pulse shaping by the IRIS device. Agreement between the simulations and the experiments is obtained.
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