The publishing centre Silva Slovenica and monograph series Studia Forestalia Slovenica

Autor: Hojka Kraigher, Tom Levanič, Tina Drolc, Maja Peteh, Peter Železnik
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Forest Science Publishing Helsinki, Finland, 15-16 October 2015, 2015.
ISSN: 0353-6025
Popis: Silva Slovenica is the publishing centre of the Slovenian Forestry Institute (SFI), founded in 1949. The publishing centre concentrates its efforts in publishing scientific monographs and co-publishes the main Slovenian scientific journal in the field of forestry, wood science and paper, but it also publishes professional publications, leaflets and brochures for promotion of certain applied and implementation results important for the civil forest service, forests and forest ecosystems. Through the project EUFORINNO, SFI gained resources, needed for the internationalization and professionalization of its publishing centre and the monographs series. Its activities have been intensified in the last three years in several activities: - development of a publishing system from author through technical preparation of texts with proofreading and print, which rationalises all costs of the publishing process; - preparation of documents according to the Slovenian and international copyright law (Declaration of authorship and publication); - set-up of the open access repository SciVie, which authors can use as their home repository; - activities concerning obtaining DOI for published e-material (e.g. membership in a specific DOI organization). Since its establishment the scientific outputs of the Slovenian forest and wood science were published in a scientific and professional monograph series Strokovna in znanstvena dela. With no. 122 in the year 2005 the series was renamed into Studia Forestalia Slovenica (ISSN 0353-6025). It is published in cooperation with the Department of Forestry and Renewable Forest Resources and Department of Wood Science and Technology at Biotechnical Faculty of the University of Ljubljana. By now 146 titles have been published, and among most prominent monographs the photo-monograph The Virgin Forest was published in 2014. As a small publishing centre we are flexible, cost effective and adaptable to needs of authors, and expect to proliferate as such also after the project EUFORINNO reaches its end.
Databáze: OpenAIRE