Hydroinformatics education at IHE Delft: past and future

Autor: D. P. Solomatine, R. K. Price, A. Jonoski, I. Popescu, B. Bhattacharya, L. Alfonso Segura, G. Corzo Perez, S. J. van Andel, C. Bertini
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Michael Abbott's Hydroinformatics ISBN: 9781789062656
Michael Abbott's Hydroinformatics
DOI: 10.2166/9781789062656_0093
Popis: From the very beginning of introducing hydroinformatics as a new discipline of research and practice, Mike Abbott worked together with his collaborators on establishing a supporting educational programme at post-graduate level. This chapter presents the establishment of the first hydroinformatics post-graduate programme at IHE Delft, in the Netherlands, later offered as an MSc degree in water science and engineering with specialization in hydroinformatics. The curriculum and the set-up of the programme are described, together with their developments over the last three decades. This programme has significantly benefited from the unique characteristics of IHE Delft: The institute is specifically oriented to providing water education to participants from the Global South, and, at the same time, it operates within a network of diverse organizations engaged in research and practice of water management in the Netherlands and Europe. The hydroinformatics programme has therefore benefited from contributions of top experts from such institutions who have taken roles as invited lecturers, as well as MSc and PhD mentors and supervisors, very often on water-related topics originating from-, or relevant for students’ home countries. Challenges for maintaining relevant attractive hydroinformatics curriculum have come from continuous developments in information and communication technologies (ICTs), need for balancing ICT-related and water-related subjects, while still imparting knowledge regarding the primary role of hydroinformatics as an integrating discipline needed for supporting efficient-, but also transparent and inclusive water-related decision making. The associated PhD programme in hydroinformatics and some related Master programmes at IHE Delft are also briefly introduced. The chapter also presents an overview of hydroinformatics-related education at other universities around the world. The concluding section presents an outlook for future hydroinformatics education in which next to its water and informatics components, its social dimension and integrative purpose will become even more important. Note:Alfonso's contribution to this chapter was partly funded by theEuropean Union’s Horizon 2020 programme project NAIADES (Innovation Action) grant number 820985
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